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Music Review: Fall by Morgan Barrie
Control by Morgan Barrie I'm listening to Fall by Morgan Barrie. I haven’t read anything about him yet and so I’ll sit in his space for...
Honest, Raw, Un-contained Rage?
Banner Photo by Joseph Nguyen I have my coffee in front of me and I’ve just clicked on the Origin link for the first time. Naturally, a...
LUCA and Mental Illness
Inspired by naturalist Charles Darwin's ​On the Origin of Species​, Last Universal Common Ancestor (Luca) is an instrumental post-rock...
Pier Mayhem and Return Address
Milo or Miles is Pier Mayhem. He released his first album, Decimal, in May 2017. Stemming from a history of gaming, he was inspired by...
Art is not Dead?
Even after winning multiple awards for his photography, Michal Pachniewski continues to hone his eclectic eye onto the shapes and colors tha
STRANGE :: EP Artwork
I've been working for the past three years getting this album together and its finally in its post production phase. The compositions...
Girl or Woman?
Every time I think of the MeToo movement, I think of my daughter. I think of how scared I was when I found out that we were having a...
Soundtrack for David Mondin's Exit Point
I've spent the last month working on the soundtrack for a movie called Exit Point. It was filmed in Puerto Rico by David Mondin...
Perfect Soul
About a year and a half ago I was riding my bicycle to work and this beautiful melody came into my mind. The wind was blowing on my face...
The Mixing Process
It’s basically the most crucial part of making music. A great song can sound bad and the impact vanishes in thin air. I’ve been mixing...
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